Wine From Outer Space

Wine From Outer Space is intoxicating, unearthly and surprising. It's also where I write about whatever I choose, and that's nice.

11 November 2008

Fear of a Black Planet

HOLY CRAP everyone, activate the animated GIF Drudge siren! I just discovered what sort of altruistic rainbow society I am living in here in Prescott, Arizona. The other day our best, and only, community newspaper ran a FRONT PAGE article, above the fold, about a person in the community who is a black guy. What did he do to garner such attention, you ask?

Is he a business owner with an opinion about revitalizing the local economy, a city council member with a comment about a zoning issue, or a fireman who rescued a kitten from a tree? My friends, he is none of these things. But what he is, is a black man, living in Prescott, Arizona. Yes, that's right, he's not just visiting. He LIVES here.

The article seems to be a combination profile piece, along the lines of "a day in the life of a black man", and some sort of story about the presidential election with the local angle of a black man who voted for another (partially) black man, Barack Obama (D, Illinois).

In Prescott, Arizona, folks don't hear tell of these persons of blackness much, except in movies and on the tee-vee. It was quite astonishing, then, to find one living within the city limits! And he has lived here for several years, I might add. Apparently, there are more than 100 black persons living in Prescott, Arizona. I think this qualifies our sleepy little hamlet as a hotbed of liberalism and racial equality.


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